Monday, August 3, 2009

I swear I'm not slacking...

I know it may seem like Kristen is being uber crafty and my name is just hanging around the shop for giggles but I SWEAR I am doing crafty things to add to the shop! Kristen had the advantage of taking the month of July off from work (of which she was RIDICULOUSLY productive sitting at her sewing machine and made some incredibly cute items for our shop and also which I am not jealous at all that she got an entire FREAKING MONTH off of work to sew and craft and watch Judge Judy until she was complaining to me that she's SORE from sitting on the floor cutting fabric ALL DAY! Well, boo-freaking-hoo girl! Some of us have to work all.... Ok, I'll stop now... As I said, I'm not jealous... much.)

Anywho, despite the previous parenthetical run-on sentence, I am super excited that Kristen was able to add some INCREDIBLY cute things to our shop! (Is it wrong for me to buy something from my own shop?) I also have a couple bags and cute items to add and I will post them... soon. I just have to take photos and upload them and they will be available for all to view and say "ooooh, I want have to have one of those!"

Until then, happy crafty/buying of crafty goods to everyone out there!


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