Monday, August 24, 2009

The Adventures Continue...

Kristen is very right... It was a FAB weekend! We always have fun together! One of the many things I love about my KS is that it doesn't matter whether we are just hanging out talking or watching a movie or going out on the town and running to catch the last T home at the end of the night... We always have a great time! Here are some more pics from the weekend:

Free samples at the Sam Adams Brewery! Us girls love us some Sam Summer.

More Sam Adams at Bella Luna. This is the pose Sam Adams does. I feel like we are naturals!

Being silly blowing on dandelions in the park.

And finally, FROSTING SHOTS! (If you like frosting you should go to SWEET and stock up... I recently brought 20 of them to a party and they were a huge hit! At a quarter a piece, how can you really go wrong? Delicious! If you don't like frosting, well, what's wrong with you anyway? Haha, just kidding... kinda. ;-)

<3 you too KS! It was a totally fab weekend and you make some awesome lasagna! :-D


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